Here are some places that have given an online home to my words and sentences, plus the first sentence of one of my favorite novels.



“Lorca says, the duende loves the rim of the wound in Broadsided alongside a a dance performance by Lauren Woods

“At Sea” and “Making Nothing: So Much Depends” in the Cafe Review

“A Preponderance of Evidence,” “Wing and a Prayer,” and “Turn Strange” and “A Supermarket in Portland” and “A Shout, A Cry, A Song” in the Maine Arts Journal

“Words with Friends” in Poems from Here on Maine Public Radio

“Going to Church” in the Maine Sunday Telegram.

“Deked, Again” in the Under Review

“Mock Heroic” on Verse Daily

“Oakland Work Crew” on Verse Daily

“Proof #4” in Maine Magazine

“Hockey Poem” in Broadsided alongside an image by artist Michele L'Heureux


“A Backyard Winter Oasis,” an essay in Decor Maine

“On Bye-Bye Land by Christian Barter,” a review in the Kenyon Review.

“The Talk,” a story in Portland Monthly